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Password Resolution

One of my friends had his AOL account hacked this week. Unfortunately, I have had many friends to whom this has happened. Some people say it is weak security at AOL, but most experts would say the problem is a weak and or old password. Make a New Year’s Resolution to get a password manager […]

Password Resolution

Make a New Year’s Resolution to get a password manager and clean up and organize all your passwords. You will sleep better and avoid being hacked. There many password managers available. I recommend 1Password. It will create, store, remember, and insert hundreds of long, ugly, and impossible to remember passwords. It is a truly great piece of software. […]

Are Password Managers Good or Bad? Password Hell

In my opinion, it is black and white. Password managers are a very good thing we all should use. I use 1Password to store hundreds of long, ugly, and impossible to remember passwords. It is a truly great piece of software. Wired just published an excellent article about how some websites block the use of password managers (see Websites, […]